KYNEX Bulletin                                  

December 2011


In this issue we discuss enhancements made to our security calculators.

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Kynex Enhancements


Kynex has enhanced several features of its fixed income analytics.  Below is a summary of our enhancements.


Fix-to-Float and Changes to Payment Frequency, Day Count and Business Day Adjustments

Our calculators now accommodate those securities whose coupons, pay frequency and business day adjustment method change during the life of the security. Those securities issued with a fixed coupon but which change to a floating coupon after an initial period are fully implemented. Any number of fixed-to-float or float-to-fixed changes are accurately valued and maintained. The ability to analyze these instruments in terms of conventional measures such as yield and/or discount margin allow you to setup effective trades.


Accretion Methods

To handle the recent nuances of various accreting structures in the market, we now support three additional accretion methods: Principal Only, Principal Only (CD rollover) and Straight Line. The Principal & Interest method is the most widely used, and it has always been supported by our calculators.  We have seen these three new accretion methods used in new issues, exchange offers as well as in zero coupon accreting bonds when the Co-Pa has been triggered.  The new accretion methods will more accurately value the small percentage of structures that have these features.


Price/Yield Analytics Using Foreign Benchmark Curves

Kynex now provides the flexibility of valuing a fixed income (non-convertible) instrument using a yield curve whose currency is different from that of the security.  Kynex first converts future cash flows using forward FX rates into the foreign currency. The converted flows are then discounted using the foreign curve, and the price is then converted back to the security’s currency at spot.


PIK Bonds & PIK Toggles

A full range of PIK price/yield analytics are now available for standard PIKs, PIK toggles and PIK floaters.






